Our simple diagram provides a brief overview of the different learning paths in Play Therapy. Whether you are a mental health practitioner seeking to enhance your skills or a parent eager to learn more about Play Therapy, we hope that this diagram will serve as a valuable resource for everyone on their journey to learn Play Therapy.
#PlayTherapy #LearningOpportunities #ChildCenteredPlayTherapy
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#兒童情緒健康 #遊戲治療兒童輔導服務 #兒童為本 #註冊遊戲治療師 #SEN #社交情緒 #認識情緒 #關顧別人 #同理心 #兒童遊戲治療 #香港遊戲輔導中心 #hkptcc #親子關係 #Playtherapy #play #Childcentered #summer #暑期活動 #義工服務