



推薦人獎賞計劃 Refferral Bonus Program

推薦學生可獲減$100,被推薦學生亦可減$50優惠 需同時報讀。

條款及細則 Terms and Conditions

  • 新學生必須繳付整月費可享此優惠。The new student must enroll for one full month.
  • 此優惠中被推薦的學生必須是由「快樂互動大本營」的現有(在讀)學生所推薦。Referred students must be referred from an active student of  "Interactive Play Crew".
  • 被推薦的新學生必須是首次報讀「快樂互動大本營」的學生及從未在任何其他「快樂互動大本營」中心報讀。The new student must be a first time registrant and must not have previously registered in any other "Interactive Play Crew" Centre.
  • 推薦兄弟姊妹亦可以享此優惠。This Promotion is applicable to sibling referral.
  • 每位被推薦的新生只可有一位推薦人。任何其他推薦人不享有此優惠。Each referred student can only have one referrer, the bonus will not be valid for second referrer of that referee.
  • 被推薦的新生必須提供完整的推薦人信息其中包括:推薦人全名及電話可享有此優惠。Referred student must indicate the full name and contact number of the active student.
  • 保留以上優惠活動的各項權利及最終決定權 並有權在任何時間內更改任何相關條款。Interactive Play Crew reserves the right to decline any bonus without reason and to changes the terms and conditions at any time.
