




  • Association for Play Therapy

    The mission of APT is to promote the value of play, play therapy, and credentialed play therapists. This is accomplished by advancing the psychosocial development and mental health of all people through play and play therapy by promoting and supporting those programs, services, and related activities that promote the: Public understanding and appreciation of play and play therapy Effective practice of play therapy through research, education and training, and support Recognition, incorporation, and preservation of diversity in play and play therapy Development and maintenance of a strong professional organization that satisfies this mission

  • 快樂互動大本營

    感謝大家過往支持香港遊戲輔導中心,幾年來很高興能協助許多家庭和小朋友透過遊戲一起成長及進步。由於本中心理念是希望提供一個平台讓父母與小朋友能增強溝通之餘,亦可以開心自主學習,所以我們決定擴展中心,讓更多小朋友和家長能夠受惠。 「快樂互動大本營」於2018年3月正式成立,我們不但會繼續舉辦遊戲課程,更會延伸至其他項目,例如與學術有關課程、專為特殊兒童而設的活動和課程, 家長分享會, 支持小組等。

  • Australasia Pacific Play Therapy Association

    APPTA was established in 2007 and is the peak professional body for Play Therapists in Australia and throughout the Asia Pacific Region.